CDFI Education

Interactive Presentations

Below are links to a variety of Prezis (interactive presentations) we created to help you learn about CDFIs, CDFI Friendly America, and how the CDFI Friendly process works.

All About CDFI Friendly America

Learn about our company’s mission, a basic explanation of CDFIs, and how and where we work.

How CDFIs Can Help Your Community

Click through an in-depth exploration of what CDFIs are, how, and who they help.

Affordable Housing

Learn about affordable housing and the role of CDFIs.

Small Business Development

Click through an in-depth exploration of how CDFIs can aid in small business creation and development.

Commercial Real Estate

Learn about commercial real estate, why we need it, and the role of CDFIs.

Consumer Lending & Financial Services

Click through to explore information about consumer lending (mortgages, car, & personal loans) and financial services.