CDFI Market Map

The CDFI Market Map shows CDFIs, local officials, and investors where many opportunities are for CDFI expansion and growth. We are confident that the CDFI industry and its allies will step up when they see the opportunities that CDFI Deserts present.

CDFI Friendly America’s goal is to eliminate CDFI Deserts by 2040.

The CDFI Market Map identifies 1,292 Places, 714 Counties, 255 Metro Areas, and 9 States that are CDFI Deserts (click below to view the full lists).

To navigate the map below, you can click the icon to search for a specific city, county, or state or use the + or icons to zoom in and use your pointer to move around the map. Click on the icon to view the legend. To show or hide specific layers, click on the icon to expand the layer groups, hover your cursor over the desired layer, and click the image that looks like an eye. For more detailed instructions, visit the CDFI Market Map User Guide.

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